Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A DIY project with Clear Scraps!

Hi guys!!
It's my turn on the Clear Scraps Blog.  I have a DIY project to share
 along with instructions.  Clear Scraps have a line of wood products that make
home decor and DIY projects a piece of cake.

The key board was created out of scrap lumber and a vintage road map.  A little
paint and glue, a few cup hooks and some DIY products by Clear Scraps and
 your ready to go.  I used the Wood Script Word "journey" and a couple
 of the mini pallet shapes by Clear Scraps.
Check out my full tutorial on the Clear Scraps Blog.
Thanks for stopping by~


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. It means so much to me to know what you think. If you leave a question I will do my best to answer it and will post it in the same thread. <3 cm