Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Try It Tuesday ~ hands and " a winner"

Hi guys!
I have a crazy obsession with hands ~ 
I thought I would share that with you:)
Be careful, you might find yourself liking them too.
I like holding little hands too.

Didn't realize I had so many until hubby said something 
about all the "hands" ~

I bought my first "hand" from Jenni Bowlin and never looked back.
I love displaying with them and hanging things I make on them.

Mostly I found them at antique stores.  I do have my price limit. I found a jadeite hand on our way back from Indiana last month and it was $50 ~ ugh, no thanks.

The fancy gold one from my mom :)

 The double hand my latest find :) 
I try not to like them but I do!!
Linked at ~ My Salvaged Treasures #209


My winner for the Coffee Stamps is
Great coffee cards!
Please email me with your address and Congrats!!!!
Thank you all for stopping by~


  1. I love it when a collection takes hold. It gives you something to keep an eye out for when junkin'! I've always loved your hands and how you've used them for display purposes.

  2. LOVING those hands!!! And CONGRATS to the winner!!!!

  3. What a great collection - love them. You totally rock them for displays.

  4. very neat hand collection!! I do love that gold one!


  5. I only have one hand, but now I see a collection coming. I love how you display your hands and all your pretty treasures.Too bad about the Jadeite hand being so expensive, it would have tempted me. Thanks, Connie for sharing your collection at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  6. Great collection! I have a thing for hands, too...they look so great displayed together. Hopped over from VIP...

  7. I have just a few hands and am always looking for new,"old" hands. Jadite hands turn up frequently around here. I picked mine up for $15 last spring. Saw one jadite and one cobalt in Philly and also a couple of brass hands. I am pretty sure some were new even though they were in an antique shop.

  8. My first hand was purchased in St Maarten when we stopped there while on a cruise many years ago. It was 49 francs -- $7 for me. Since then I find it hard not to add more to what has turned into a collection. I like putting my rings and bracelets on them. Still looking for an affordable glove mold to add to the others.


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