Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bring on Fall with Clear Scraps~

Hi, Connie here with a Fall Plaque using the Scallop Corners Plaque by Clear Scraps.  This will look great on my front door~


Clears Scraps has so many products to put something like this together.  The gorgeous paper is by Bella!  Also used in creating this project is StazOn Ink and Beacon 3-IN-1.


Clear Scraps products used~
Scallop Corners Plaque
Mirror Feathers
Fall Leaves
Small word/Blessings
6" x 6" Chevron
6" x 6" Pumpkin

Thanks for stopping by~
Connie Mercer/DT


  1. Sooooooooo gorgeous! LOVING that pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. always so creative.. this is so pretty

  3. Oh this is so very beautiful, I just love it! The pumpkin is perfect!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Connie (and Cindy: ) LOL Just tried to post my own comment here, but the comment box disappears in a second~ What am I doing wrong? tks~ Karen O

  5. Well now it works! : ) Yea! This plaque is so pretty! I like all the texture; both on the paper and in the ribbon accent~ Karen


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. It means so much to me to know what you think. If you leave a question I will do my best to answer it and will post it in the same thread. <3 cm