Monday, October 19, 2015

Feed Bag Tote, win one now!!!

Hi guys!
I have a friend that takes ordinary Feed Bags and makes
 fabulous totes, from this~.

to this~

Her name is Carol Martin, The Bag lady from Gonzales, Texas.
What makes these bags so cool is they sit flat and the grommet for the bag strap. 
 The bags are great for groceries and a very unique gift bag. I keep some in my car because you never know when one will come in handy.
  To clean them just turn them inside out and rinse out with water.  
She has all kinds of feed bags. The bags sell for $10 plus postage.
She can be contacted at 830-857-4711.  Please let her know you saw this on Crafty Goodies!

More examples~
I would like to give one away as a thank you to my existing Blog Followers ~ the people that
 have stayed around. Wish I had a bag for all of you.  Just leave a comment!!!
This really is a cool bag.  The Deer Feed bag is the one I will give~away!!! 
I really appreciate you guys and wanted to do something for you!!!
I will pick a winner through random .org on Friday
I won't have Try it Tuesday this week~
See ya soon!!!


  1. Very cool bags!! They are all fun!!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhh wow!! These are AMAZING!! I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. you go girl with your awesome creativity..

  4. The bags sound great & sooo creative!! I always need bags!

  5. I love these bags. I need one of the horse bags for a gift. I'll be calling her tomorrow. Thank you so much for sharing with your friend with us. Oh and what fun with your giveaway. :)

  6. Great looking bag. I have seen people use them and have thought that they are too cool. My husband might even carry this one full of treasures for me.

  7. Very cool! I am a bag collector...what don't I collect??? Thanks for the opportunity


  8. What a great upcycle!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  9. What a great upcycle!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!


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