Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Try It Tuesday~ WOW embossing products, so fun!!!!

Hi guys!!!
Had a great 3 day weekend. We enjoyed 2 of our 5 grands.Even crafted with one of them:):)
We busted out the WOW embossing powder products and did some of this~

We made rings, flowers and pins.  The recipe is simple~ heat tool, Melt-It-Powder(WOW), embossing  {color }powder, Clear Gloss (WOW), Wow flower mold, small pie tin and nose clip {just like the picture}


lapel pin~
We had so much fun. Even showed back up at Craft Crossing for more supplies.  Almost forgot, we added magnets to the backs of the flowers.  Simple and cute gift.
I have a post up on Curtsey Boutique!!!


  1. OMYGOSH!!! These turned out BEAUTIFUL!! I loveeeeeeeee them!!! Totally went junkin' this weekend and found a Sears portable typewriter, still in it's case in perfect condition for $15!!!!! EEKKKKKK!! To say I was excited is NOT telling a lie!! :)

  2. They are soooo pretty and cool. They're going to look amazing on your projects.

  3. Gorgeous! I've never tried their products! Must try soon!

  4. Very Cool! I can't wait for my grands to get a little older to attempt this type of craft. Great job, Connie.

  5. Those look great! I really love your ceramic hand, too! :)

  6. So pretty and how wonderful you could work on them with the kids!

  7. oh my word these are amazing.. so totally fun. Always a new project up your sleeve.. thanks for the inspiration.

  8. These are fantastic! Sounds like a good long weekend, spending time with the grands and crafting.

  9. Oh'Connie, How awesome these turned out. What a terrific project for the grands.;D
    I am nominating you for a Liebster Blog Award. Please go to my blog to find out more information.
    Thank you

  10. WOW! Amazing job Connie! Love the pieces you made. Awesome job, thank you for sharing!


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