Monday, February 10, 2014


 Hi guys~hope you had a great weekend!
I did get to go junkin'.  The store was an old movie theater and it was extremely cold, (hard to shop when your freezing)  I did  find some keepers~I'll show you soon!
I've had this frame for sometime but wanted to show you how cool it looks showcasing the clock~

I still may do something else with it but for now I like this look!!!
Old frames are great back drops for clustering photos or a collection of something~
um~like a collection of 5's:):):)

Frames are a good thing~
as Martha would say
See ya for ~

don't miss it!!!!
I'll have all of my junkin' finds up!!!
See ya soon~


  1. I often wonder where you put your creations. Love your display. What's the significance of "5"?

  2. Loving what you did with the frame!!!!!!!

  3. Frames ARE a good thing. One of my favorite home decor items. :) Love how you used yours, Connie!

  4. very cool collection- love that frame

  5. Wow! I love the frame. You have an amazing space.

  6. Great framing job. I love old frames but never quiet know what to do with them. Thanks for the tip.

  7. I love the clock framed too...and your collection of fives is awesome!!! Can't wait to see what you found! :) Evie

  8. Connie you are an inspiration!
    you.... 'Just Do It'!! :) LOL
    Love your 5 collection; and the frame
    is so smart!
    I have a whole box of them I need to
    work with!
    Thanks for sharing~

  9. I really need to get more frames!!!! Love your wall!


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