Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Med. Pallet Mason Jar by Clear Scraps~

Hi guys!!
My turn on the Clear Scraps Blog!!   Super fun project using the newly released Med. Mason Jar and All Create 4x6 stencil by Clear Scraps.   The Med. Mason jar is in the pallet family of shapes created by Clear Scraps.

1. Sand lightly and wipe off with a soft cloth.
2. Paint jar lid gray and body of jar a color of your choice.
3. Sand again for a distressed look.

4. Create a guide for the stencil so the spacing will be correct.
5. Move the stencil according to where the breaks in the pallet board are when you are applying the words (ink works best for words).
6. Stamp the paint brushes (Darkroom Door) out on watercolor paper and trim out.  Color the brushes in with watercolors or markers.

7. Adhere the paint brushes with Beacon 527 along with a few paper flowers.
8. Splat with white acrylic paint lightly.

9. Wrap the jar lid with twine and then tie on ribbon. Fold the ribbon in a figure eight pattern and then tie on.
10. Use crop-a-dile to make holes in top of mason jar for a hanger.
These are fun to create and what great gifts!!!

Thanks for stopping by~
Connie Mercer/DT Member


  1. This is gorgeous! LOVING the quote and the brushes!

  2. that is sooo sweet. it'll look so cool wherever you place it.

  3. Beautifully creative Connie! Loving all the embellishing touches~ Hugs, karen o


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