Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Try It Tuesday~nature walks!

Hi guys~while at my sons home I raided his pine trees.  He had these gorgeous pine cones under the tree in his yard. He said I could take all I wanted~so I took them all:):):)  They are beauties!!!
I also found this sweet little nest, had chicken feathers in it too ~ so I brought that back home too,

The eggs I bought while junkin' ~ $4 for 12 eggs.  All speckled!!!!

These will look gorgeous for the holidays in a wreath or in a cloche.

I have done more dictionary stamping. I still need to photography them, but I have this one ready.  The stamp is by Hero Arts ~thought  it went perfect with my nature theme. 

See ya soon!!!


  1. Loving those eggs and the cones!! And your stamping is FAB!!!!

  2. Love nature walks and finding fun things as well. Now I want to try the dictionary stamping...really cute!

  3. wow those eggs are amazing..looks awesome in the little feather nest... love the stamping in the book..

  4. The eggs look perfect in that cute little nest, Connie! I love the stamping. Your book is coming along beautifully!

  5. oooooo i love the pinecones and the nest. So very cool and can't wait to see what you do with them for the season. I love the stamping. Love everything you do. LOL!

  6. I love seeing all of your treasures. That dictionary stamping is so cool! Must try that soon!

  7. Oooh, I love pinecones, we have plenty around here, but we have to go high to get those long sugar ones. OK....I LOVE your dictionary stamping, love it! What kind of markers/ink did you use?


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