Saturday, November 17, 2012

Remember this~a junker post!


Remember when I showed you this~I know it has been awhile back.  I finally decided what to use it for ~a junker clip up!!!  I have lots of cool vintage ephemera that I have collected up and forget to do things with it because I can't see it.   So this is what I came up with~
I used the clips by 7gypsies.  They work perfect to clip on to the shade wire.
Vintage Street Market and Jenni Bowlin Studios have ephemera in their online stores.  All kinds of cool vintage stuff to use in scrapbooking and altered art.
Have a great weekend and maybe go junkin'!!!!!
See ya soon!!!! { with a winner of some crafty goodies}


  1. I love this are my number one creative site I go to. Connie!

  2. this is sooooo beautiful! LOVE this idea! have a wonderful weekend, Connie!
    Sylvia xx

  3. Love your junk ideas :-)
    Very creative!

  4. What an AWESOME IDEA!!! I just loveeeeeeeeeeeee this!!! Pinning this one!!!

  5. only you could think of this! awesome girl


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