Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 things~re-purposed, re-cycled or re-used!

It's time for Shimelle's 10 things on the tenth of the month, so here we go~items re-purposed, re-cycled or re-used!!!

Bird cage~

vintage flash cards~

vintage bingo card~

vintage orphan shoe~

vintage labels on medicine bottles~

vintage bingo card~

vintage hymnal marker on metal sign~

View Master picture reels made into banner~

vintage cheese grater~made into a mini album

old muffin tin, bingo card, playing card made into a decor piece~
Thanks for stopping in~this blog hop is always a fun one. 
To see more collections of 10 things~ go to Shimelle's blog and happy hopping!!
See ya soon!!


  1. ooooo i love each and every one. they all bring back memories..........

  2. these are all sooooo fun! i love them

  3. I always love your "10 things" posts and this one is no exception! :-) Thanks for sharing! :-)

  4. Wow, what a beautiful collection of oldies but goodies and such fabulous displays for your art and creative work!

  5. You are so creative and make art with anything!!!! Great Ten Things! Very inspiring!

  6. this is so right up your alley, connie! i love every piece and see something new every time i look at your work. have you done anything with the bicycle frame yet? :)

  7. They are ALL so wonderful but those BINGO cards just catches my eye :)

    Hey, before the day gets to be another crazy one...wanted to THANK YOU for the necklace!!!! I haven't taken it off since receiving it (well, other than showering and sleeping - lol!!!). I LOVE it...you are SO sweet to send it my way :) xo

  8. wow so many beautiful makes from recycled pieces,
    jo xxx

  9. I love to see how you reuse old things!! I love them all but that banner with the view masters made me smile!!

  10. Clever use of recycled 'goodies'
    Alison xx

  11. Love them all, great re-use on these projects TFS

  12. Great ideas - I really like the banner with the viewmaster reels.

  13. these are all so great! You are so good at doing this!!!

  14. They are all great reuses. So much inspiration.

  15. Awesome projects. I love re-purposing too. Love to see these things still in use! :)

  16. Oh my goodness! Shoes, Bingo cards, folding rulers, frogs....it's all fabulous. Love your very creative ideas!!

  17. Great projects, I love the vintage orphan shoe! x

  18. I love all these fun creations!!! You have inspired me to want to go to the big Long Beach show one Sat. a month and look at all the "good" junk :) Just need a free Sat. to go!

  19. Wow! That is a great collection of 10 things and some serious eye candy!


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