Wednesday, April 28, 2010

more Dimensional Details

This is week 3, adding material to your layout!! A very fun thing to do. I sewed a border and then stapled it at the ends and on to the layout. I love the layering of the papers-I know you use lots of paper but your "showing off" lots of paper also.
This one is week 4!!! Yes I'm back on track -all caught up!!!! What a good feeling!
On this one I inked behind where the photos would be placed. I love the shadow effect. I hope you get some inks out and play sometime very soon. Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Hello!! Connie I hope all is well, I see you style has taken off!! I love all that you have been doing on your blog. Your LO's are absolutely awesome.

  2. Connie, I just adore these layouts...Gorgeous work! Just wanted you to know I linked back to this post on my blog for my "WoW me Wednesday" post!


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