Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Try It Tuesday ~ Bird Nests !

Hi guys!!
It is a new year and I'm going to do better about posting
Try It Tuesdays!! Promise (may not be every Tuesday but better
effort on my part)!
I have been seeing and collecting a few small bird nests that
I find while on my walk.  I just love them!!
Birds are so creative :):)

Two of them are from the ranch and the other two from Indiana. I'm pretty sure
the two that are alike (ranch) are Sparrow birds

I just starting filling the nests with pretties and was thinking these would be
really sweet Mother -to- be gifts so I used the Baby Sentiments stamp from
Darkroom Door.  They were perfect!!

Bird nests are really sweet holding all kinds of "pretties".  So get creative.
 They are worth saving!!
Thanks for stopping by~


  1. These are absolutely GORGEOUS! I love them!!

  2. What a different kind of project. They turned out great!

  3. Love these! Great idea, and reminds me of spring!

  4. I collect bird nests as well and put them in my plants outside with fake birds eggs. Yours are so pretty and I am amazed at their creations.

  5. My mom used to love collecting nests too! These are beautiful projects, well done :)


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