Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Try It Tuesday~more junkin' !

Hi !!
Thanks for stopping in for a late Try It Tuesday!!!
I have some really neat junkin' stuff to share with you today. Some I
found and some items were  given to me but all of it is really cool.

I really don't know about this dice other than I think it is super special. It was a gift and it is large.
Did you notice I have it turned towards "six" (six grands) ~love!!!

I have a thing for vintage boxes (that is a whole other blog post).  I think they are really neat, the graphics, the colors, the style ~ so cool!! I use them to store craft supplies in .

This guy, hanging on the post, not wanting to leave Texas, came from my mom's house. It is pewter
and heavy.  Not sure about it but I like!!!

I call this guy, army guy.  He came from my mom's house and I think he is darling. 
 Ceramic with no markings.

Another piece from my mom's ~ super cute!!!

This was $4.  I think this is a receipt hook.  I think it would
 be great wall hook for a mini album.

Found these at resale shop, in our area, for $2 each. Love the colors and they had plenty
of the "cool" factor!!!

Found at the resale shop for $1. You know I can't walk past these.  I have many of these and plan to make bells from them (just need time).

Thanks for stopping by~
I need a junkin' trip:)


  1. So many cool treasures Connie! Thanks for sharing~ karen o

  2. Wow!! You find the coolest, neatest stuff. Love those spindles.

  3. Wonderful treasures. I love your mom's army guy. Looks very old .... WWI? Spindles are super cool. Right out of high school I worked at a cotton factory that took cotton through cloth. I saw a lot of these.

  4. Ohhhhhhh these are all FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Love it all but that receipt holder is awesome!


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