Monday, May 22, 2017

Buttons Galore & More announcement

Hi guys!!
I have a new team I'm working for called 
Buttons Galore & More.  I have always had a "thing" for buttons.  I have 
mason jars full of vintage buttons that I use as home decor and crafting.  Nothing like a beautiful button to complete a project:)

 Looking forward to working with this Company and these designers.
Thank you Buttons Galore & More.  Here is a few projects using Buttons Galore & More~

Check out their beautiful button selections HERE.
See ya soon for 
Thanks for stopping by~


  1. woohooo Congrats!! They are lucky to have you!

  2. There is no end to your talent. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what all you create. These projects are awesome. Love the tissue holder.

  3. Congrats!!! Glad to see you'll be crafting with some favorite things!!!

  4. HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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