Monday, January 12, 2015

CHA 2015 ~ Clear Scraps!

Hi guys!!
I have some pictures to share with you of the Clear Scraps booth at the
 Craft & Hobby Association Show in Anaheim California ~ going on right now! 
I was thrilled when I saw some of my Clear Scraps creations in the booth~
Screaming to my hubby " that's my 6" !!!!

Word frame ~ "Family"  ~ mine!
This one even made the label, as the example of how to use the product.
First ever label for me :)

Five of the projects showcased here are mine!!!  Another label too.
I will be showing all the projects individually over the next couple of months
 on the Clear Scraps blog and mine. 

I don't know who made the dress out of Clear Scraps products~ I wish I did, so
 I could announce publicly how gorgeous it is :) and give her/him credit!
I'll try to find out~

Very top left ~ clipboard is mine.  The clipboards are awesome, so many style
 and different shapes!!

Very exciting when you have worked so hard on projects to see how the manufactures
 use them in their booths!!!
Thank You Clear Scraps / Susan & Jim!!!
See you soon~


  1. Congrats on having all those gorgeous projects displayed!!!!

  2. It's so nice to have a peak at the CHA thanks to you Connie!
    Thank You!!

  3. Nothing more exciting then seeing your projects at CHA, I remember those days of walking around and spotting something. Make sure you make an album page or mini book about them
    So fun -Congratulations.

  4. oooooo thanks for peek. love your projects. Congrats!

  5. How exciting to see your projects on display, Connie! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations! How exciting it must have been to see your creations on display like this.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. It means so much to me to know what you think. If you leave a question I will do my best to answer it and will post it in the same thread. <3 cm