Sunday, February 5, 2012

more {fabulous} junkin' stuff~

Hi peeps!!!  I have been doing tons of junkin' and not alot of scrapbooking:):) ~ so you know what that means .... more junkin' pics!!! I hope you don't mind. I will have a fabulous post up for Try It Tuesday~promise!!!  I would love to know about how you would use these vintage goodies in your scrapbooking and art ~ do tell!

These are a great find but I ordered then online~really!!!

Old labels, marbles { this was an advertising peice for Nations Insurance Co.} I paid $3.thought that was fair.  Don't you love the Dad's Rootbear label?

These are old Pharmacy bottle labels~cool right!! And there is some train ticket stubs too.

Loved the checks with the ELK!!! and the milk label with the cows on it.  Will look super with my ranch pic's!  Back to junkin ~ found this stuff over the weekend, locally I might add,  right under my nose~

The milk caps are for Chocolate Milk ( don't have any of those) from a local dairy in our area.  The Scrabble pieces are getting harder and harder to find at a good price. I paid $6 for all of these.  The door knob is flat and metal, it has been painted but again I have never seen one like this. I'm going to shine it up!

These little bowls are so cute~I don't really know if they are old or rare,  but for 50 cents they came home with me.  Thanks for putting up with me on these junkin' trips ~ I have to show them off!
Have a great day and see ya soon!


  1. Love your junkin finds Connie! Can`t wait to see what you do with them.

  2. ooooo i'm livin your junkin finds vicariously through you. love them.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh these are AMAZING!!! I love love love love the milk caps and the bottle caps...I would use them on this altered chest of drawers that I am working now... (it belonged to my Grandma!) I can't wait to share it with everyone! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. what fun fun finds--love the root beer label!!! can't wait to see what amazing project you crete with them

  5. Oh, such fun goodies! I am LOVING those pharmacy labels!

  6. I think you just have a great imagination for your junk in' trips. You see things I can't even imagine. I want to go with you once. It would be a blast!

  7. Fun finds!! I'd use the checks with the Elk on it for my hubby's hunting pic's. Love the pharmacy lables too!!! Fun!

  8. You have some amazing finds!! I need to come junking with you!

  9. Oh my, my mind is swarming with the possibilities for those goodies!

  10. Okay since I am sitting here with a bag full of scrabble tiles myself, I'll let you know how I use them soon! LOL As for the other goodies, I can see the "dad"s being a father's day card, the milk label would look really sweet on a newborns page, and the elk checks would work great for a "first Job" layout! Love Penny

  11. More cool stuff! I found some neat checks like that at my Dad's house. I plan on using them on a layout...some time. LOL!


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