Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Try it Tuesday~how about a wreath~

Hi guys!! Glad your here for Try it Tuesday!!! This wreath project has been in my head for sometime and ended up driving me CRAZY!!! It just never seemed right~ so I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say~ so here we go ~ the original wreath

I used Helmar's 450 Quick Dry {no wires~all glue}~worked awesome!!! The chipboard houses are no name from my stash.  I painted one with Jenni Bowlin {stick candy green}, covered one with old dictionary paper and the other old music paper.  Then the magic began ~ I used Helmar's Crackle Medium ~ all I can say is ~awesome!!!

This is a close~up of the one I covered in old dictionary paper and then added buttons on using Helmar's Acrylic Sealer ~I glued the buttons with this too!! Super cool stuff!!!
The funky zipper flowers are by Maya Road~the canvas ones too!  I used Glubers by Cosmo Cricket to make the zipper flowers!! Out of one pack of zippers I made these three flowers.  If I had rolled tighter, I would have gotten another one!!!

I did a couple of changes on this ~still not happy!!! and another change.....

This is how I left it~but I think I like the original the best!!! Crazy after all the million photos, I went back to my first creation.  If you would like to see more of the original wreath, head on over the Helmar's blog and you'll will see my blog post.  Thanks for staying with me on this and I look forward to your comments on this!!! *** Breaking news***  I will be creating for a new kit club called  The Paper Bakery ~ stop by and say hi to Sarah  and my very first post is up over at ScrapStreet Blog ~ would love for you to stop in.  Have a great day and i'll  see ya soon!


  1. wow a gorgeous wreath...looks good to me, lots to look at...beautiful.

  2. Very pretty! I keep seeing the zipper flowers and I really need to try them - Great job!

  3. How fantastic! I love your wreath.

  4. I LOVE IT!! It rocks. If you don't like it you can send it to me. lol!

  5. What an absolutely fantastic idea, thanks so much for sharing!


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