Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Try It Tuesday~Heidi Swapp Letter board and how I'm using it.

Hi guys!!
I have wanting the Heidi Swapp Letter Board for sometime but the board alone, 
with no letters or words, was $59.00. EEEK!!!!! So I passed~
Then Hobby Lobby had THE SALE everyone is talking about on social media. 
 Glad I made the trip !!!

Everything in this photo cost me $31. including tax~

I'm going through a new season, in my life, so I wanted the board to reflect that.
Reading and remebering everyday is good~

{yes it sure does}

I decided to not hang it on the wall, just loving it hanging out on the old church pew.
Thanks for stopping by and always be encouraged in All things!!!


  1. What a deal!!!!! And loving that verse!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Beautiful verse that works in all seasons. Love how you showcased it.

  3. Perfect verse. I love the church pew and the verse together. Loving.

  4. I've seen these in the stores - what a lovely use for yours! I didn't know there were shapes to use as well - a beautiful way to see His word everyday!


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