Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Try It Tuesday~junkin'

Hi guys!!
I have some junkin' stuff to share today.  It was given to me to create with. 
So perfect for that.  Odds and ends that are to cute to throw away.

I'll never turn down buttons :)

Stack of flour and muslin sacks. These will be great to create on using the gel-press, acrylic 
paint and stencils.  Can't wait!!

This is a beauty!! It is a large, well loved paint brush.  It will be fun to alter this!!!

Tie tags!! They look cool on projects.

Thread spools, you can never have to many!!! A crafting staple if you ask me.
Thanks for stopping in
 and be looking for what I create with this very cool stuff!!!!


  1. So many greats here. The tie tags I haven't thought of but I know I will be collecting now. My grandmother and great-grandmother made quilts in the day from flour sacks. I have been wanting to spools for a few Christmas projects. I'll have to be on the look out for them. A lot of thread comes on plastic spools these days. Great finds...great eye for possibilities.

  2. You totally find the best stuff. Can't wait to see how you repurpose. Love your style.

  3. I wish we had great places to junk here - were have a few antique store but the prices are insane!!

  4. Such a great collection of 'finds' for you Connie!
    : ) Will watch for what you create with them. <3
    Karen O


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