
Friday, May 5, 2017

Nature at its finest~

Hi guys!!
I have a little birds nest to share with you:).  
We had some really strong winds come through and I found this under a tree. 
This one is very unique and beautiful!!

The blue paper is from Easter confetti eggs and all the fibers from the dyer vent (I guess). 
I think it is beautiful!!

So colorful.  How do the birds do it, weave such a beautiful home.

I had to do something with it so here is my creation~

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend~
See ya soon!


  1. What a beautiful piece of nature. WOW.

  2. Wow!! They created a gorgeous nest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. How beautiful Connie, Isn't this birds nest so amazing? Thanks for sharing. I love any project that is nature inspired!!!

  4. Awesome! It is incredible what these little birds can do. How you preserved does justice to thebird's craft.


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