
Monday, April 18, 2016

Himalaya, remember that carnival ride~

Hi guys!
I have a fun scrapbook page to share using some Echo Park pattern paper.  Who remembers the Himalaya carnival ride?   Well that is where the story begins~

My son really wanted me to ride this ride with the grands. He bought me a ticket and I surprised them by getting in line with them.  I'm glad it worked out that way, and I glad I rode the ride ~brought back lots of memories of the Mercedes Livestock Show :) when I was a teenager.

Sometimes it is good to let your guard down :) but between just us girls, I couldn't wait to get off.  I don't remember it being that fast !

Thanks for stopping by~


  1. Love love love this! LOVING the photos and the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Such an incredible l/o Connie!!
    Aren't those papers and embels so perfect for the photos!?! Even the colors are a perfect fit~ Great work Connie~ Karen O (PS you are brave! my riding days are over; I only go for the food : ) LOL)

  3. What a fun page!! The banners rock and make it festive. Looks like everyone had fun!

  4. What a super fun page!!
    Yes, I remember riding the Super Himalaya when I was a teen….fast and the music was really loud.

  5. Oh this is fun - such a solid design.


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