
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Try It Tuesday~ Trail signs for the Ranch!

Hi guys!
Time for Try It Tuesday!!!!
I have 2 of my 6 grands, here for Spring Break, and we are making trail signs for the Ranch.  We are on day two.  We have done all the painting, naming of the trails and sealing the wood.  We even called and got  all of the grands involved in the naming of the trails.  We are ready for "grandy" to put our signs on the trees.

and it starts with this~ painting the signs that "grandy" cut from boards!
Each "grand" has two trails named after them.

We have 15 signs that the "grands" have named for the ranch.  Next project ~ a MAP!!!
We are going to map it out !!
Have a great day!
See ya soon~


  1. THAT is so much fun and soooooo very cool. What a great idea!

  2. How fun is this?! Love the signs and photos. :)

  3. How wonderful, Connie! We don't have land like that here in NY but how cool it must be to name trails for your grands!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh those are just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!


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