
Friday, March 28, 2014

Enamel ware re-purpose~ junkin' find!

Hi guys!!!
How about a quick and easy and super cute re-purpose (junkin')!!!
I found this for $3 and couldn't walk away. I have a pretty large collection of enamel ware but nothing like this~
I wanted to use it, not just stack it up with my collection:).
 So this is what I did with it~

I put my crafting tweezers in the candle space and my used sponges (that I can still use)
on the dish.  If it get dirty, it will be easy to clean.
Have a great weekend and go junkin', it is good for the soul.
  It takes you back~
See ya soon~


  1. Love what you did with the candle holder. But what really jumps out at me is your Mrs. Grossman's tweezers. I simply cannot scrapbook without mine!!! It's too bad she quit making them.

  2. Loveeeeee it!!! Ohhhhhhh I have been yard sailing the past couple of weekends and have found a TON of goodies that I am turning PINK for my crafty room!! :)

  3. You have a very artistic mind. I have a piece of enamel ware for you. Next time you are coming to Seguin let me know.

  4. Awesome! At first I thought it was a cheese platter:). Love your tray of tools!

  5. Great way to use your found treasure :)

  6. I love enamelware. I have it all over my crafty room. I've never seen a piece like this either but I really love it. And such a great price. What a neat way to use it too. What a wonderful treasure!


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