
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Try It Tuesday~ more carpenter's aprons!!

Hi guys~I thought for Try It Tuesday I would tell you how to make these craft aprons using the carpenters aprons you can find at Home Depot, Lowe's etc.

Trim by Bo Bunny, on this one. The flowers are by Prima.  The skirt is from antique trim, I think it is some kind of bed shirt material.

 This one has more Prima, and trims.

This one has a Canvas Corp flower on it . It can be left on or on.  More Prima.

These are what they look like~If you notice the one from Home Depot is orange in the center of the apron.  
*I used beige ( off white) acrylic paint and painted over that area so it would not show through.
*Find you some vintage material or what you like .  *You will need twice the width to make the skirt part. * Stitch a running stitch ( loose stitch, so you can gather the fabric)  at the top of the skirt.
  *Hot glue the skirt to the bottom of the apron.
*Use flowers, trim, buttons, flair ~ to decorate.
*You can use stamps, mists, acrylic paint to add color to the apron itself.
*I used Staz-On ink when I stamped. *The stamp I used is by Dyan Reaveley
If you make one I would love to see it. You can link it up when I do Gone Junkin' Friday (first friday of the month) in October:):)
I can't believe I'm going to say this~if you like the vintage material I used, I'm willing to share.  I'll send you enough to make the skirt and do a square in the middle.  I'll start with 5 peeps. Email me~Re: material
See ya soon~


  1. Again these are adorable!! I will be wearing mine at CKC in San Marcos this weekend!!

  2. Hi. I'm a fan loving your page from the UK. I up-cycled an apron I found in a thrift shop to wear at my craft events. Thought I would share a photo with you. (Do hope you can see this!)

    C:\Users\louise\Pictures\2013-05-26 wc approx.May 13 2013\wc approx.May 13 2013 016.jpg

  3. Absolutely beautiful, Connie! I know we have some of these aprons lying around, but with my sewing skills, you never know how they'd turn out. LOL!

  4. Ohhhhhhh you are AMAZING!!! I want to make one of these soooooooooooooo bad!!!! I am off to email you now to see if it's still open!!!!! I love it!!!!!

  5. This is fantastic! I wonder if I have time to whip one up before my scrappy event on Thursday?

  6. Oh Connie, this is adorable. I have a pretty ruffled apron (my sister gave me) hanging from a ceiling clothes line in my scrap room!

  7. Oh wow! I really love it. The flowers are so pretty.

  8. Oh wow Connie, so fun. Loving these aprons!

  9. This is wonderful Connie. I had to "Pin" this one. It is a creative and fun creation.


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