
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gone Junkin' Friday~link up!!!

Hi everyone~

I have some fun junkin' stuff to show you.  Some of it was given to me and some it I bought.  I'll tell you what I know about them and then It will be your turn to link us up with your junkin' find, a re-purposed item, a vintage item, something you want to re-purpose but haven't yet~you get it? Something way "cool".  OK here's what I have in my waiting bin~

I think this is some kind of trim, maybe for a bed shirt~not sure, but I have something in mind for it.  This was given to me.  Found it in an old house being torn down.

 This was a gift from  my mom~ It cost $7.95 brand new.  Not sure what she paid, not sure how I will use it yet.

Old sheet music~love the covers, yes, it was given to me.

These too, given to me.  Aren't they cute!

Yes these, too.  If you would like some of the doilies I will share with the first two people that email me , promise!!

Piano rolls for the old player piano's. Very cool. Yes they were given to me, from the same house that was being torn down. 

 I bought these~really. $2 each!! Can't pass them up.
A couple of shout outs from last month~if you missed it.


OK link us up!!!
oops~I almost forgot, my first blog post for Clear Scraps runs tomorrow.  You can find it HERE.



  1. As always your find the most wonderful "junk." I go to stores and see items and wonder "What would Connie make out of this." Seriously. LOL I'll link up next week with the Junkin'. Thanks for the shout out.

  2. Ohhhhhhh I hope I am one of the ones who emails you first!! I saw something done with doilies on "Property Brothers" and NOW I WANT to try it!! LOL!!! I loveeeeeeeeee all your finds!!!!!!

  3. Happy to be here at your party. Love all your vintage treasures, especially the doilies, piano rolls, and frogs! Thanks for the invitation Connie:-)

  4. Great stuff!!! I've never posted any of the vintage stuff I pick up. Maybe I should. ;)

  5. Hey did you know they sell the flower frogs at Michaels now? I saw them there the other day. I almost bought one just because it was there. But I didn't. Love all the sweet things you have collected and been gifted. How neat that people remember you that way.

  6. i love frogs...both kinds, but we are talking about the floral kind! i have a grid one, and i would love to find some on the ones you show. best wishes on your junkin' trips!

  7. You are a lucky lady, Connie, to get all of these great goodies as gifts. :)

  8. Love the sheet music covers!! You get some great give-aways...lucky gal! :) Evie

  9. What a great treasures!! Happy to link up my display case. Thank you for hosting!



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