
Friday, August 9, 2013

Craft Crossing and Bo Bunny challenge for July!

Since we are on the subject of the Bo Bunny Challenges for the retail store, this is the one I did for July.  We have not heard about August yet, so I'm not sure what is going on.  You can find out all about this program HERE.

One of the requirements is, you have to use only what comes in the kit.  I added buttons on this one:):). Stickers and paper were all that came in the July kit (just wasn't enough).  I do this through my local craft store which is Craft Crossing in Gonzales, Texas. 

Don't you love that picture!!! Just happened up on this:):)
Went back in the house and got my camera.  One of those country moments:):)
Have a great weekend~
See ya soon~
And my news has been announced ~check it out HERE.
Can't wait to start creating with Clear Scraps!!!!


  1. This is fabulous! LOVING the photos, the colors and the journal stickers you used!!!!

  2. aww what a sweet layout.. love those pictures..

  3. So much goodness in this layout! I love the color that flows from your photos right into the paper.

  4. Awesome photo Connie and love it with the Bo Bunny.

  5. Love this page & the pretty photo too. Congrats on making the Clear Scraps DT!!!

  6. Awww, such a sweet and pretty page, Connie!


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