
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Try It Tuesday~junkin' from family!

Hubby's dad had this in his garage~very cool, right!! I yelled ~ I have the pins that go with it!!!
So, yes it came home with me.  Not sure how to use it so you will be seeing it again.

I'm not sure about this box, if it is handmade or a crate but it is really a neat box.  I'm sure I will find a use for it.  Maybe stencils?
step stool~for porch with some plants on them:):)

Isn't this cool~still thinkin' on this!!!!  Stay tuned~
See ya soon~


  1. OMGosh, you find the coolest things! LOL!!!

  2. I can see your brain cells churning on how to turn these all into amazing creations, Connie. :)

  3. You got some awesome goodies there!! LOVE it!!!

  4. ooooo love them ALL. They are going to look amazing however you use them. Can't wait to see.

  5. What great finds!! The wire bin & wooden box are especially cool (I'm still in "find storage" mode). Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  6. Fun stuff. Love that metal basket!

  7. Very Cool finds! You kow how to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary!

  8. Very Cool finds! You always know how to take the ordinary and turn it into extraordinary!

  9. You've got some awesome junk there! Can't wait to see what you do with it!!! xo Evie


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