
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Try It Tuesday~a very special chalk board!

 Hi guys~ I have a junker post ready.  Things that I have collected up, waiting to make the project I'm about to show you.  Time for some ~
First I was given this~ It actually started everything.

 I couldn't turn this down.  My oldest used to call him Mick Not and I knew we wanted to go to Disney with the grands ~ so It was a sign for sure.

I got this a few weeks ago while on our way to Indiana or on our way back home from Indiana, but anyway it fit into my project.  
So with out further ado ****my "count down" to Disney board!!!!

Hubs is the best~showed him what I wanted to use and he did it.  The wide frame will help keep the dust chalk in check, just wipe it out {well that is the plan}.  I still need to get it up on the wall.

All that is left to do is start the count down!!!!  Can't wait!!!


  1. How exciting and such a perfect way to keep track of the days until the trip!

  2. oh my golly this is just way too cute!!

    i had to laugh at the chalk holder! i had one when i first started teaching and i so loved it!!! i am really dating myself to say that i had one AND i actually used it in the classroom!!LOL!!

  3. How FUN!!! LOVING how you framed it!!!

  4. oooo how adorable. i remember those chalk line draw-ers. sheesh.

  5. This turned out so cute!! Love it Connie! xo, Evie

  6. No way!!! YOu are so cool :)


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