
Saturday, January 12, 2013

eff-em-er-a , I did it!!!!!

Here I am talking about this again~
I wanted to share a very cool comment that was left on my blog the other day!!! Made me smaile and I learned how to say ephemera.  So this is for all the people they say "old stuff" instead of ephemera ~ you can do this!!
Hi Connie, great briefcase and put to good use too.

I could never say THAT word (ephemera), so I asked an Antique Dealer to sound it out for me, so I will try to tell you how it goes.

You start with the "e" sounding the same as you sound the "e" when you say 'egg'. Then the "ph" has the same sound as you say "ff" (like a puff of breath). Then; the "em" is the same as you would say 'emma" and the "era" has the same sound as you would say in the word 'error' except you put an emphasis on the "a" rather than on "or".

In a nutshell the sounds are;


I find it easier to say the "eff" first then hesitate just a tiny bit to get the mouth turned back the other way to add the "emera".

After a while you can say it quite quickly.

Many Blessings
From Judith in Australia
Go check out Judith's Blog~she makes very pretty art!!!!  Tell her you came from
 crafty goodies:):):)
see ya soon~


  1. You are too cute, Connie. Now I will have this word stuck in my head for a while. :)

  2. LOL! Now I know how to say it too! :)

  3. lol, I know what you mean. I can never seem to be able to spell that word properly.

  4. I always pronounced it like that, but every time I used that word, people would look at me like they didn't know what I was talking about, lol.

  5. lol! that was just too cool. and you have to do it with an aussie accent. because we all know how sexy that it.

  6. Very COOL!!! But I'm not... lol... I tried her tips and it didn't work for me! lol :)

  7. That is too funny! I created a board on my Pinterest just a couple of weeks ago called "Ephemera"! Although I was pronouncing it more with an "E". Now I know the correct way. Either way ~ I LOVE Ephermera!!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. It means so much to me to know what you think. If you leave a question I will do my best to answer it and will post it in the same thread. <3 cm