
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snuck in a little junkin' trip~

Aren't these little pair of baby girl shoes the cutest ever?! I just had to have them~$6.50, well worth the money !!!
They are all leather~and so small.  I don't know what I'm going to do with them but right now I'm enjoying looking at them and having them hang around:):)~I'll keep you posted.
Then there  is this lovely~
a slide tray box!!! Perfect for holding your biz cards"):)  and then I thought of this~
I have all of these ( taking up space, that I need) so,I did this~
Fits perfect on the side of my work table, it is adorable storage {very important}and it cleared up more room in my drawer:):)  The perfect storage solution for Jenni Bowlin mini chipboard pieces. The dividers are the Tim Holtz journal cards, perfect size!!!!!
I think the round slide tray would be good for this too!!! Vintage Street Market has three different kind in the store~HERE, HERE and HERE.
We have less than a week before Christmas~really is coming fast this year!!!!
See ya soon~


  1. Those little shoes are adorable! Cool way to use the slide holder!

  2. Those shoes are adorable!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee that tray too!!! Great idea on what you did with the chipboard!!! LOVE IT!!!!

  3. you always find the best things and know exactly what to do with them to make them awesome

  4. ooooooo so very cool. those shoes are so adorable. don't you have a grandbaby that can wear them? and that slide holder - man that is a flash from the past. I used to shoot slides - easy to store and I developed them myself.

  5. Those little girl shoes are adorable! In good shape too. And I love that slid tray! You got creative in figuring out how to use it! Great idea.

  6. Great idea for the slide tray!! I have something like that...I'll have to try it.! xo Evie

  7. Love those darling shoes! Oh my gosh you find the neatest things. Love that slide tray!

  8. Very cool! You always can see things for more than their original purpose.

  9. Those shoes are to die for and I adore your storage solution. So clever!

  10. Love what you did with the slide tray. A little junking expedition is always fun.


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