
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Try It Tuesday~Pinterest lift!!!!

I first saw these Dictionary Necklaces on Pinterest ~ I thought I can make those~well I didn't have a dictionary that I was willing to cut up but I did have an Encyclopedia, that will work!!!  These are done using Epiphany Crafts bubble caps 25 round and square with their setting charms. The brown one is a baby buggy {super cute}!!!!

I had two different ways to make them ~ first the glass tiles that you use Glossy Accents on to adhere the paper to the glass tiles and Epiphany Crafts.  I had both sets of supplies so I made them two different ways and loved how they both came out!!!

Glossy Accents and the glass tile version~

Not only did I use the words, I used the glossy pictures also.  I wrote artist on this one~

And there you have it.  Very fun to make!!!
Tomorrow is a travel day so I'll see you in the evening~Take care and I'll see ya soon!!!!
Scrappy news coming soon!!


  1. What a great pinterest lift. They are very striking.

  2. These are just too much fun. It's good to know that the bubble caps and charms are available pre-made, I've been doing it the hard way. Thanks for sharing Connie.

  3. These are BEAUTIFUL! I think everyone would be proud to wear one of these! Love Penny

  4. Can't wait to hear your scrappy news!
    And these are gorgeous! I would totally buy them!

  5. that is really sooooo cool. glossy accents is such a neat product and i don't use it to its advantage.

  6. I sooooooooooo need to find refills for my Epiphany tool!! I just love love love these!! LOVING that you used the pages!!!!

  7. These are wonderful, Connie! There is so much inspiration on Pinterest.

  8. oh my golly these are so awesome! great job connie

  9. I love these and have been wanting to make some myself. Now to just find the time!

  10. These are really cute! Are they going on Pinterest too??? :)

  11. These are so cute and you make them look easy to make! Are they going on Pinterest too??? :)

  12. These are lovely - now I know what to do with my bottle of glossy accents!

  13. Super fun and beautiful! I saved my children's dictionaries from home school so I have some great pages to make necklaces. Thanks for the inspiration.


  15. These are so cool! I like them better than the inspiration. (hee hee) Congrats on the PDCC team! Yeah!

  16. Congrats on becoming a part of the PDCC Team Connie! Amazing project!!!

  17. Worthy of selling in a boutique, Connie! (just signed up to be your latest follower ;)

  18. Love this project. Will have to try this soon!

  19. These turned out great. Very cool!

  20. Connie, these are fantastic! I have been collecting these Epiphany Crafts products recently and love this inspiration from you!

  21. Isn't the lacquer you used Fantastic Glaze & Glue (or whatever it's called)? Looks like the stuff from Craft Fantastic- similar to Glossy Accents. But, not Glossy Accents.

  22. these are so cute!! love it!


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