
Thursday, September 1, 2011

I made cards~really?

I have been making cards all day today~ and it was fun!!! I got my scrap bag of Jenni Bowlin out with some Kraft cardstock , my Helmar 450 Quick Dry and started !!! I have a couple of Jenni Bowlin stamps that I had not used and I'm sure liking them.  The bottom frame label is one ~ it comes in three sizes!!!

This one, the girl holding the star wand ~ love it!!!! I just keep using it** sigh*** !!! So vintage!!
I saw a blog post over on ScrapStreet and it inspired me to use Kraft cardstock for cards.  Here is the post on ScrapStreet~these fabulous cards are made by Dora!!!  Have a great Thursday~see ya soon!!


  1. WOW! these are them both- and the Kraft cardstock works really well!
    Alison xx

  2. Great cards - I have a whole bunch of Kraft cardstock. Might be inspired enough to use some! TFS :)

  3. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee these!! I love love love those handprints on the first one and the little girl on the second one!! Just WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Beautiful cards - love the stitching and those handprints are gorgeous :)

  5. I really like the one with the little girls stamp, the simple border really makes it work!

  6. Wow!! gorgeous!!! love love love them!

  7. Yay for cardmaking and they look great.

  8. Beautiful cards. I need some inspiration for the upcoming madness of Christmas cards.


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