
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Try It Tuesday~Inspiration Board

I learned about Inspiration boards when I took a class by Jenni Bowlin.  It has made a difference in the way I create and what I create.  I put things on my Inspiration Board that inspire me~it may the shape that I like, maybe texture, maybe because it is the coolest ~ you get the point, if it makes my board ~I like!!!


Funny what catches your eye ~ we all love and are inspired by different things.  I love primative country~it reflects in my home decor, my art, my scrapbooking ~everything I do.  I would rather have something old than something brand new~ Ok, there I said it!!

I really want to inspire you, to make a board for your "scrappy" area!!  I love to create around things that I love and enjoy!!!  My area is a reflextion of what I like.  I love to pin new inspiration on my board.  In fact I love it so much I made another board~

I'm ready for my next junk'n trip~ I have plenty of room to pin new goodies on ~can't wait!!!

This is some vintage material that I had just a piece of~but it spoke to me!! The flowers are so pretty and the colors are "my colors"!!!!

I will be showing a tutorial on how I made this in a few days ~ so find you a cool picture frame, felt and cloth and Helmar 450 Quick Dry {awesome stuff}and you will be ready.  This one was going to the dump and I rescued it { uh~can I have that?} ~the top one belonged to my paternal grandmother and it was in pieces when it was given to me!!!  See ya soon~have a good one!!!


  1. what a fun idea! i love your vintage boards!

  2. ooooooooooooo connie i adore your vintage boards and that pattern just caught my eye, and then the rest of the eye candy. yum!!

  3. i wanna go junkin' with you someday!
    awesomely cool stuff you make!

  4. Connie ~ fabulous idea and I love your inspiration board, love the vintage patterns and the tags with TH butterfly (btw-I really need that die). THANK YOU for the inspiration!

  5. What an awesome idea!
    I am going to gather my supplies so that I'm ready to roll when you publish your tutorial! :o)

  6. What a great idea and your board is wonderful! LOVE the old pattern.

  7. I love this idea. I want an inspiration board for my study!


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