
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas 2010~keeping it real!!

Good Morning!!! I wanted to show you a little of our Christmas today!! These little deer treats are for good kids~I have them all lined up~just waiting for some very "Special People" to arrive!!
These vintage Christmas cards were sent to me by my friend Gail and what a cool way to display them in a vintage washing board with some of our deer sheds from our ranch!! Very cool!!!
Our Tree with a strand of light "gone bad"~Oh well, just keeping it real!!!
One of the animal ornament! A deer~handmade (not by me) out of canvas and then painted. These are over ten years old and I still think they are the coolest!!! We have them in different animals.
I had the grands "art mats" made from snapfish.  They are adorable~hope they enjoy them.  I'm sure the mommies will.

and last ~one of my painting!! I put this out most every year and leave it up through January.  It makes me happy!  I won't be around ( just like you) for a few days.  I have been on my lap top for three weeks~ready, so ready for my desk top back.  Have a wonderful, wonderful holiday everyone~I pray you find "joy" every where you look!!!


  1. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE that deeer! I would die to get some deer ornaments!!!! But they would have to be white as all my ornaments are white. Love your ranch photos!!! TFS!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh I love those little deers! So cute. Thank you for sharing your photos. I just love Christmas!

  3. Looks like it was a great one! Thanks for visiting my blog--I've loved reading your comments!


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